Do you want to make training design QUICKER, EASIER and LESS STRESSFUL?
Then you're in the right place!

Welcome to The Training Designers' Club

Your virtual L&D team "on-tap" for less than the cost of a cup of coffee each day.  

There isn’t a lot of support around for the lone learning and development professional and if you're the entire L&D team OR running your own business, it can be hard.  With no-one to bounce ideas around with, ask for guidance or share resources with, things can feel twice as hard.  

The Training Designer’s Club is a learning community and resource centre that aims to give lone L&D professionals all the benefits of being in a team, by providing on-demand practical support and development. Regardless of your level of experience, you'll find a generous virtual team in our VIP membership to help you to generate ideas, find inspiration, overcome blocks to creativity, short-cut the design process and design training more efficiently.  

We are a virtual learning community where L&D professionals at any level can chat, share, practice and learn from each other to continuously develop as we complete real-life training projects

The Training Designers' Club is For You If You Are...

  • The only person responsible for Training, Learning and Development in your organisation  
  • A lone L&D Manager (who are the entire L&D department) 
  • A HR Manager who has to pick up L&D, but it’s not your area of expertise 
  • A freelance consultant who wants to work informally with others 
  • Part of a small L&D team who would value an external perspective

Whether you design learning and development at a strategic level, or are firmly rooted in the creation of session plans and learning resources, The Training Designer’s Club enables you to become part of a large virtual L&D team which has a wide range of experience and expertise that you can tap into at any time.

It's like having your own training consultancy for a fraction of the cost.

"I am in a stand-alone learning and development role and having the opportunity to work with like minded professionals has helped me to consider different approaches to designing training. They are my virtual L&D team."


The Training Designers' Club Is Ideal If...

  • You want to tap into a wider network of industry professionals to encourage growth
  • You want to bounce ideas around with like-minded people to spark your creativity or sense-check your thinking 
  • You need solutions or resources QUICKLY to allow you to be more agile in delivering L&D solutions
  • You want to learn to design face-to-face or virtual training that engages people and transfers to the workplace
  • You need practical guidance to develop your natural talent
  • You want to make sure that your approach to L&D is up to date
  • You would love the opportunity to refresh your skills and share ideas with other training professionals
  • You want to make designing (and delivering) training easier, more efficient and more effective
  • You want to continuously develop in an informal way and build relationships with other L&D professionals


The Training Designer's Club was started in 2019 by Sheridan Webb. Sheridan had spent 25 years designing training for large organisations including Kelloggs, Costain, Warburtons, Johnson's Workwear and Johnson's Dry Cleaning, Aldermore, The Ardonoagh Group (Towergate Insurance), Keolis Amey Metrolink, Monsoon Accessorize, Matalan, Bespak (part of the Consort Medical Group) and Brook (charity).

She has designed everything from Induction Programmes to Leadership Development Programmes, including one-off workshops, self-directed programmes and bite-size sessions. And she has also designed a range of ready-written bite-size sessions for face-to-face or virtual delivery.

By working with a range of organisations and through extensive networking, it became clear that many L&D professionals find lack of time the biggest barrier to researching and designing new and engaging training. This led to training being created in a rush, short-cuts being taken with the process, and a stagnation of ideas. In short, L&D professionals were not able to create the learning solutions they were capable of. And many did not have a team to help them out, or the budget to buy in solutions from expensive consultants to share the load.
So the Training Designer's Club began as a group to share resources, ideas and advice for these people. It is now a generous community that acts as a virtual L&D team, providing regular light-touch consultancy and weekly group coaching AS WELL AS resources, practical guidance, courses on training design and regular continuous development sessions.

What's Included?

It's difficult to quantify the full VALUE of VIP membership, as there's much more value than can be gained purely through courses and resources, but let's break it down...


On demand access to over 500 exercises, handouts, templates, guides and top tip videos so that you have everything that you need to create effective and engaging training.


Monthly structured Lunch n Learn Sessions to support your ongoing professional development and keep you up to date with the latest industry trends and insights.


Weekly "Designer Drop-In" meetings to inspire new ideas, help you to sense check your training design projects, discuss what you're working on with other L&D professionals, and solve your challenges in real time.


Monthly Coaches Catch-Up sessions to enhance your coaching practice and identify opportunities for development and collaboration.


Lively Facebook and WhatsApp groups to help kick start your thought process and sense check your ideas and get answers to your questions QUICKLY through collaboration with like-minded learning and development professionals.


Early booking and substantial discounts on training design courses and programmes, self-study and online courses so that you can develop your learning and skills in your own time.


Discounts on ready-written Power Hour Training materials to save you heaps of time in both design and delivery.

All Of This For Just
£51 per month

"As a HR Manager with responsibility for training, I needed help designing a session quickly. Within a morning I’d been given loads of ideas, signposts to useful resources, a core structure AND identified ready-written training material that I can use. This has saved me SO much research and development time! I just has to shape it and deliver it."


So… Are you ready to design training faster and easier?

If you’re in an L&D team of ONE or TWO (or perhaps the only non-technical trainer in your organisation) it can be tough trying to do everything from strategy to admin AND stay on top of your own development.

The Training Designer’s Club provides a way to help your professional development whilst getting work done! Learning in the flow of work means transfer is immediate, and you (AND your organisation) see results straight away.  

"It's really useful just to talk things through. This challenge has been going round in my head for months and I hadn't progressed it. The Designer's Drop-In got me unstuck in 20 minutes."



The minimum period of membership is 3 months. This will give you enough time to sample everything we have to offer and decide whether or not it’s for you. 

No – simply because we are a community-based membership and there’s a LOT of material that you have access to. However, if you’re not ready to commit you can access a selection of resources and events on a pay-as-you-go basis. 

Yes, you can choose to join with a monthly or annual membership (annual membership is equivalent to 10 months).

Yes – this is available on request for annual memberships.

The VIP membership includes a mix of freelance and employed L&D professionals with a wide variety of experiences and backgrounds. Most members are based in the UK and our live events are based on UK times, though you are welcome to join if you are based elsewhere. WE have members based in Canada, the US and the Middle East. 

I certainly hope so! There are a few practical courses that you can complete, and loads of guides and video tips to short-cut your learning journey. If you like learning in the flow of work and are happy to ask questions, you’ll really benefit from surrounding yourself with a diverse group of generous peers. 

No. We all have very different knowledge and experience. All of our VIP members find this is an excellent way to continuously develop. The beautiful thing about a community-based membership like ours is that you are able to give and receive help in equal measure. We actively learn from each other every day. 

Absolutely! Design and delivery are two sides of the same coin and many of our design discussions are driven by an upcoming delivery assignments that members have. Imagine having a bank of resources PLUS access to 70+ fellow professionals to give you new ideas and refresh your thinking! We even have a coaches sub-group for people who consider themselves to be coaches rather than designers or even facilitators. 

Our regular live virtual meetings (Designer Drop-Ins, Coaches Catch-Ups and Lunch n learns) that are included with membership are a brilliant way to build relationships and grow your network. They are also a perfect way to get support with whatever it is you’re working on. However, we have a very active WhatsApp group and a Facebook group where you can ask for help (or offer suggestions) if the time of the meetings doesn’t work for you. 

There are lots of How To Guides, Top Tip videos, Lunch n Learn recordings, exercises and handouts available to help busy L&D professionals do things more quickly, easily or with more confidence. VIP members also get discounts on Power Hour Ready-Written Training Materials.  

There are lots of exercises and handouts and other source material to help you create training sessions. If you’re looking for ready-written sessions, VIP members get discounts off Power Hour Training materials, which are complete courses. WE don’t offer elearning modules though. 

No. There are a small number of courses that you can work through to develop your training design skills – VIP members can enrol on these at a discounted price. We also have regular live Lunch n Learn events most months which VIP members attend for free. 

Of course! If you can’t get what you need from our resource bank or courses, ask the community. If you need more focused or hands-on help, I’m happy to work with you one-to-one. VIP members get a discounted rate. 



inclusive of VAT



inclusive of VAT

"The VIP Training Designers' club community is amazing, with each and every member genuinely caring about others' work.  People will often go out of their way for other members to coach, mentor, share and challenge.   It can be lonely designing training on your own, but the group means I always feel like I have colleagues I can go to for support"