Lunch & Learn LIVE
1:00pm Monday 9th September
Are you fed up of L&D being seen as a ‘nice to do’, rather than something essential to organisational and individual success?
Do you get frustrated that training people is almost an afterthought when change is brought in?
Are you sick of people under-estimating what you do and as a result undervaluing it in every way?
Whether you are freelance or work inside an organisation, we hear the same messages over and over…
“Can you do it in less time?”
“Can you do it next week?”
“Can you do it more cheaply?”
“We’ll do it if we get time”
“What’s the minimum we can do?”
“Oh, we’ll just send an email”
Learning and Development is often woefully unappreciated, and in particular, what's involved in developing people is hugely undervalued.
If you’re freelance, this means you are pressed to reduce your prices or throw in ‘extras’ for free.
If you’re employed, it means you do not get the time or support you need to do a good job.
So let's see if we can change that.
In our session on Monday 9th September we will explore
WHY L&D is undervalued - especially design and development
HOW we can raise the profile of what we actually do
WHAT we can do increase the value others place on our services