Lunch & Learn LIVE
11am Monday 25th March

A Framework for Using Games in Training

Lunch & Learn LIVE

When developing people, gaining and retaining attention is essential – people can’t learn if they aren’t actively engaged.

And in today’s multi-screen, Netflix/TikTok society, where attention spans are ever decreasing, it’s getting harder to do that.

 But we don’t need to resort to gimmicks. In fact gimmicks often devalue training in the eyes of learners. Building engagement into the very fabric of learning experiences connects with learners on a deeper level. One of the best places to look to for inspiration in building genuine engagement is games, which capture and hold millions of hours of attention daily, worldwide.  

But how can you use ideas from games, or use games themselves, in a way that also delivers on learning objectives?  Our resident games-based learning and gamification expert, Terry Pearce, has created a framework designed to inspire and support designers in using the power of games in learning: The Six Levers of Games-Based Learning. And he's going to give us the very first look at it, taking us through the six levers that you can use to integrate, use, adapt and create games for your training solutions.  

Join us LIVE on Monday 25th March at 11.00am UK time.

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Monday, 25 March 2024
11:00 AM GMT

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